Rexcof Cough Syrup is a popular medicine that is primarily used in the treatment of cough. This syrup helps to thin the mucus accumulated in the respiratory system and expel it, thereby providing relief from cough. Rexcoff Cough Syrup mainly contains mucolytic and expectorant ingredients like Ambroxol, Guaifenesin which help in clearing cough easily by softening the mucus.
It is specifically used for both dry cough and cough with mucus. If you or someone in your family is suffering from cough due to cold or flu, Rexcof Cough Syrup can be a good option for the same. However, be sure to consult a doctor before using it, as some individuals may be allergic to its components. For more information and purchase you can visit where you will find Rexcoff Cough Syrup as well as other health related products.
Uses of Rexcof DX Cough Syrup
Rexcof DX Cough Syrup is an effective medicine that helps in treating various types of cough. Here are its main uses:
Useful for dry cough: Rexcof DX Syrup helps to soothe dry cough, thereby reducing throat irritation and intensity of cough.
Reduces sore throat: The components of this syrup reduce sore throat and discomfort, providing relief.
Reduces mucus formation: This syrup reduces mucus formation, thereby making breathing easier.
Helps in Restful Sleep: This syrup is helpful in reducing night time interruptions due to cough, thereby improving sleep.
It is necessary to consult a doctor for the use of Rexcof DX cough syrup. It can be easily purchased on